Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do Pro sport stars get into trouble on the field

Pro sport players are paid millions of dollars to play a game. A game they love, they're expected to be role models to young sports stars across the nation. But instead of being role models most of them choose to get in trouble with the law or violating there respective league drug policies. In baseball the use of performance enhancing drugs such as HGH and HCG surround many players from the 1990's and many players from today where in just 2003 104 major leaguers tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. The message that gets sends out to young athletes around America is that its OK for them to cheat themselves and the game they represent. If pro athletes are suppose to be role models to young players why continue to use performance enhancing drugs. In my opinion pro athletes today have lost the reason why we all play sports. We all play sports because its something we all love. Today many players are obsessed with individual stats and who's the next home run king instead enjoying the sport they play. Also i believe players that hold out for more money because of a good year or they just want more money that they feel they deserve. They are being paid to play a sport so why complain. they should all be grateful for the talent they have and not what's going into there pockets. Athletes that complain about what they are being paid or refuse to play until they are traded to another team because they aren't the star anymore. Sports are a team sport and doesn't happen because of one player. I just believe if one person isn't contributing to the team there is always someone not far behind looking to take there spot, and if the so called stars continue crying and complaining when they don't get there way they should be benched and let the others step up and show each other a valuable lesion by being humble of the position they are in and not complain.